Thursday, November 8, 2012

Voice of the Unborn Goes International!!! :D

PTC Girls' Farm in Honduras!

Hey, y'all!  Just found out that I now have copies of my book in Germany, Africa, Haiti, and soon to be... HONDURAS!!! :D  & its audience's ages range from 8-82!! :D  Can I get a, "WHOOP, WHOOP!!?"  God is good, and I hope He keeps finding ways to spread this book!! :D
Camp David of the Ozarks Directors Ben & Grace Smith with some of our campers!

Welcoming New Voice of the Unborn Readers!!

Here's some pics of some of my campers this summer!!  These are some strong young women who are defying the trials life has thrown at them, and now... they're Voice of the Unborn readers too!! :D

An update for all you Voice of the Unborn fans:

I published this book on my own at fifteen, and it has led me places I never thought possible for a girl like me.  I discovered that our calling is sculpted into who we ARE, our lives are our stories, and our struggles our strengths.  I am now working to re-edit the book in preparation for being represented by an agent.  Your prayers in this process would be much appreciated!!  Thank you for your support thus far. :)  I look forward to the years ahead we have together as author and readers unite! 

As my journey continues, I hope to take you along with me as I post updates, prayer requests, and potential feedback opportunities.  Thanks for all you do as my readers!

May God bless and keep each of you, His wonderfully made children. <3

Monday, May 14, 2012


Well, it has certainly been awhile since I posted, and I can definitely tell you it was not due to lack of things to discuss!!  As of this past weekend, I officially became a high school graduate, and am now working to transition into the life of a full time college sophomore!  Crazy, right??  Anyway, this past weekend has left me full of opposite emotions, but through it all, there are three strong ones I would like to talk to you about.  These are three emotions that, I believe, we all share, no matter what point you are at in your life.  1) What's next?  Am I following God's plan for me?  Does He have a plan for me?  Could I get a sneak peek of that plan?  2) How do I persevere in the face of adversity?  I know God gives me strength, and says not to worry, but I am a human, born into sin, in a society FILLED with WORRY and FEAR!  3) Am I serving those around me, in a way that is both pleasing to God, and helpful to my brothers/sisters in Christ?  Do I have the strength/faith to trust God with my tomorrow, with who I will become, with how my journey will go, with who will go with me?  Over the next few articles, we will discuss each of these in depth, but for now, lets start at the beginning... How did these emotions/questions come into my life?

For most people who do not really know me (aka. everyone but God, my mom, and my best friend), they see me as the mature young lady, who's always smiling, and must have an exciting and adventurous life, because I have accomplished so much at a young age.  Those who really, really don't know me may also see me as the quiet, slightly shy/reserved girl, who sits back from the crowd to watch and observe those in the midst of the chaos.  To each person, I am crafted into a different image in their head.  Many times, this image is what they wish to see me as.  Quietness can be taken as unsocial, or even spiteful... Accomplishments can be taken as stuck up, or boastful, even if it is not you who is talking about them!  As my high school years progressed, I began to find myself swept up by the worrisome thoughts of what others were thinking about me.  When they thought of, "Makayla," what did they think?  Try as I might, there seemed to be no way to be safe with everyone.  During my freshman year alone, I was bullied for not cussing, for obeying our coach's orders, for staying out of trouble, for making good grades, and for openly talking about my relationship with Christ!  Are any of those things bad?  Were they things I was willing to remove from my life, in order to be spared the wrath of a couple of bullies?  Definitely NOT!

As a Christian young woman, preferring to be the source of people's comfort/inspiration/joy, more than disgust/pain/hatefulness, I was really concerned with making everyone happy, but I was also hurt by the fact that sometimes my good choices were the cause of other's pain.  The problem with all that was just this.... considering everyone is SO different, and uniquely created, there is NO WAY ON EARTH to please everyone in your life!  At first I did not want to believe this.  I did not want to be making excuses for why so-in-so was jealous, or unhappy, and I could not fix it, because I felt like, if I tried just a little bit harder, I would surely, eventually, be able to succeed at pleasing them.  To this day, I still struggle with knowing what it is that "Makayla" wants, at times, because so much of my life has been absorbed in pleasing others.  You see, I was always the 'friend' they could come to for prayer, advice, counsel, or venting.... but I was rarely the friend they chose to return the favor to.  Texting/calling me at every hour of the day, but disappearing completely when their lives went back to being blissful.  You see, none of the other people in their life, they felt, could see them in this vulnerable state, because they would use it against them somehow... but I was safe, and willing to rise to the occasion.  The problem with that was, although I enjoyed being there for them, I too took on their burdens spiritually and emotionally.  That's when my relationship with God, on a friend/counselor basis, first began to form.  He was the only one I knew would always be there.  If something horrible had just happened, I did not have to call Him on my cell and hope He would pick up, I did not have to message Him on Facebook and hope He would check His page soon so we could talk, and I definitely did not have to sit around waiting for enough bars on my phone to text Him some sappy message... He was just there!  I knew that by sharing these struggles with Him, I was not spreading rumors, or gossip, I was just talking to my Heavenly Father, praying for strength and healing.  What would be gossip if I went to a fellow girl friend to vent, was now prayer for the person in trouble/pain.  Knowing that, by sharing my heart's hopes/desires for that person's life, that He might hear me, and move in their lives.  He truly became my confident.

Despite these realizations, the worry/fear never completely subsides.  It is a learning process, I as the student, my Father as the teacher.  He has been everything my heart has ever desired, and more, but I have not always been in a state of mind to accept that.  Having faith in a loving protector you cannot see, but who moves in your life daily, who holds your plan in His hands, and who knows the depths of your heart more than you do, can be challenging at times, but it is in the moments of realization where both teacher and student can rejoice at the break in the clouds of the student's heart.

Monday, April 2, 2012

The Beauty of an Internship....

In these past few months of spring, I have been blessed with the opportunity to finally begin to rediscover the art of being communally involved/maturing again.  Over the past four years, I have been very active in serving those available to me, but after having my passions/heart crushed last fall, I crawled under a rock, and never wanted to come back out.  The months of being uninvolved and self- focused were torture,  I found that everything in my life began to suffer... my focus, my studies, my faith, my relationships... all my bitterness toward those who had hurt me, bled into a self-focused, unhappy, unfulfilled, monster!  Lol!  Sure, that may all sound funny, but there is a truth behind those words.  Because I allowed my heart, passions, character, faith, and being to be compromised, because of someone else's selfish choices, I became one of them too. :/

On an especially low day, I read a quote on Facebook that began to trickle light of hope and perspective back into my heart.  It said, "When you feel like your life is falling apart, go out and serve someone who's life really is." Suddenly I began to think of Haiti, and all the people I had met there.  I saw the children, their horrible everyday reality seeping through the pores of my blind mind... my supposed reality was truly theirs, and yet I was the one hiding?... I was the one pouting??... I was the one believing my life was over?  How selfish of me, how cruel!  

From that moment on, I began to search for ways that I could re-enter service to my community, but this time, I was going for a different approach.  I wanted to serve the hurting, the scared, the lonely, and the lost.  I wanted to seek out those who had been forgotten, because I now knew what it felt like to feel like you are facing life's brutality alone.  I wanted to find these people, hold them in my arms, and tell them, "You are not alone.  You never have been, you never will be, and I want to show you why, because I love you."  You see, these broken people were not always broken.  For all we know, maybe they too had their own selfish antagonist... maybe they too forgot what it was like to be loved.  Through my experience, I truly believe, that no matter how many humans "love" you, you will never have known what love is, until you have met and walked with Christ.  His love is so vast, so complex, and so unconditional, that there truly is no earthly word to describe its power, and the way it sweeps over an aching soul, who no longer feels worthy of the air it breathes.  Someone beat spiritually, and emotionally, to a pulp.... someone who's face has been rubbed with dirt... someone who knows the full force of hate, and its results... someone treated like a 'something'.  There is no feeling like it in the world, but all I can imagine is myself, at the bottom of a giant dirt pit, bleeding and grimy from the scum that has been thrown my way.  My shoulders are hunched, I'm on my knees, and my entire body quakes with fear and disgust... Suddenly, a light appears at the opening to my pit.  A hand is extended, and a kind voice says to me; "Come and hurt no more, for you are beautifully, and wonderfully made.  You are my child, a princess among thieves, and the pain you have endured for my name has not gone forgotten.  Come, let me heal your wounds, wash your tears, and make you new.  Come, let me love you."  No matter my situation, that is the image I see, and I wonder how I could be worthy of a love like that, when I am so filthy, and forgotten.  I praise the God who loved me enough to die for me, and who lives on to become my everlasting Father.  I am a humbled princess at His feet, after the internship of life has broken me.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Detox of Life!

As many of you may know, the season of lent is approaching, and in light of actually thinking about what would bring me closer to my purpose, and farther from my temptations/distractions, I would like to discuss "Detoxing Our Lives".

On average, we could say that most young people spend 15-18 hours awake each day.  Now, of those 15-18 hours, how many are spent literally wasting time??  With today's iPad's, iPhones, iPods, portable gaming devices, Facebook, YouTube, Netflix, Twitter, etc., even time that is meant to be reserved for school, is wasted.  All of these distractions are temptations of our time, and our character.  Do we tell mom we're studying late, so we can stay up and catch up on the Pretty Little Liars series?  Do we cheat ourselves, and God, by not fully applying every ounce of our attention to our school work, during class time?  Are our minds constantly wandering to the cyber world, because we feel it's so much safer, than the real world?  Who/what are we truly worshiping?  One heavenly God, or thousands of mind warping, materialistic gods?

What recently brought this problem to my attention, was actually.... me.  That's right!  My life has really been screwed up by 'distractions'.  For me it's: friends (who aren't the best influence in my walk with God), Facebook, Netflix, movies/dvds, junk food, and bad music.  When my life really starting going south, and I began to feel spiritually, emotionally, and physically weak, I began to wonder, "What am I really doing with the life/time God has given me?"  For many years, I thought I was living an 'okay' life. I had friends, fun, and lots of down time.  It wasn't until I was able to start truly feeling the effect of these  on my life, that I freaked out!  I was killing myself, and throwing away everything God had given me, all because I was following the lead of the media, and my friends, being apathetic towards life, and just flat out lazy!  Relationships with my family deteriorated, and I started to see the world from a sad, self-worshiping, point of view.  It was literally DEPRESSING!

As the lent season of 2012 began to roll around, I started thinking to myself, "If this season is meant for recognizing the sacrifice Jesus made for us, by sacrificing His life, shouldn't I give up these things that have become my life, and my distraction/disgrace toward Him?"  I began to think of all the things I might ACTUALLY GET DONE, with these negative distractions gone... Test taking back to a regular schedule, my driver's license, weight loss, family time, quiet time with/for God, faith strengthening, and maybe even become fluent in Spanish!  Ha, ha!  All those things, versus what I had allowed myself to become!?

After considering all I could get done, I thought of all I would be giving up... that was my comfort zone, my life, my routine... how scary would it be to walk into the darkness of change, and not know what was beyond each step?  All the cravings to return to familiar shores, all the temptations, all the torment.... was it worth it?  When I take a step back, and see who/what I've allowed myself to become, I say, "yes!  It is worth every moment!  It certainly won't be easy, and there may be days where I fail epically, but I know that God will see my repentance, my hope, and my effort to be a better person for Him, and He will lift me up, and give me the strength to finish the 'race marked out'."

If you're out there tonight, looking at your life, and wondering where it first started to slip, know that it's never too late.  Until your final breath, you have the opportunity to change who you choose to be, and to strive to live differently.  It won't be easy, and the devil will pursue you, but you will cry out, "Get behind me, Satan, for my hope rests in the Lord, God, Almighty, and you shall have no power over me, for God is on my side, and He alone remains forever in control!"  So dig deep in your hearts, find what's hurting you today, and 'cut it out' of your life for good.  I know that we can do this, but our strength must be in the Lord, our wonderful Father in Heaven, who will catch us when we fall, and cheer as we start to reach the finish line!!

God bless you, and your searching!

~ Clay

Thursday, February 9, 2012

When the World Says You Can't....

When the world says, "You can't!" That's really the devil saying, "I hope she doesn't!" :)

Saturday, February 4, 2012

College Plus!

Interested in College Plus!?  Want to find out more about how they are serving students, and their futures?  Saving students TIME, $$, and restrictions!!!  Use my referral, and find out more TODAY!!! This is a great way to transfer into the college of YOUR CHOICE, with the right hours under your belt!  OR... an even BETTER way to earn an accredited undergrad degree in 2 YEARS!!! Visit: for more info!!!  My student referral code is: 7708.  Help me out with my tuition by filling out a FREE request for more info, & letting them know that 7708 got you there!!! :D  Blessings!

Monday, January 23, 2012

Boys will be Boys... So What should You Avoid?

Hey girls!

As many of you know, girls can be vicious, at times.  Many are wonderful, as long as you are on their side, and some are genuinely sweet.  If you are like me, you may have morphed over to hanging out with 'the guys' more often than, 'the girls'.  Lol!!  Well, if you have, I feel your pain, and I understand why you might think that, by hanging out with guys, you will get the best of mostly everything!  Sadly, I had to learn my lesson the hard way.  So here is my article to you, my fellow young women, on how to keep your actions in check for God, your friends, and yourself. :)

For years now, I have been one of 'the guys'... in theory, that is.  About 75% of my friends are male, and for a long time, I thought I was living the life.  Coming from an area of competitive, backstabbing, girls, I felt that, by hanging out with guys who would never be my competition (and don't seem to be interested in cat fights) I would be 'playing it safe' for myself, and my happiness.  There were so many pluses to hanging out with 'the guys'!  I could wear sweats/bball shoes, play catch, or a game of three on three, and most importantly, there was NO CHICK DRAMA WHAT-SO-EVER!!! :D  For a long time, I thought I was in heaven.  Going to the movies with four guys, versus one = SCORE for my ego!!... Having close friends, of the opposite gender, to discuss relationships with = SCORE for my ability to understand guys better... and finally; Being able to feel accepted, and safe, with a group of people I truly felt good with = a boost to my happiness. :)  Through it all, a few warning flags went up, whether it be in discussions, or change in attitudes, but I ignored them, hoping to keep what I had going for awhile.  Sadly, I finally discovered why male/female friendships can be SO complicated if you're not careful, or you let your guard down.....

Of the four, or five, different times I have tried the whole 'one of the guys' things, my predicament in the end has persisted.  Eventually, somewhere along the way, a conversation is going to be hindered by your presence, an activity cancelled because they want to keep it literally just 'the guys', or a friendship will begin to develop into something else... for one of you.  Although the first two items on that problem list can make you feel bummed, like you are holding those friends back, the final item can literally ruin your friendship with the whole group.  Eventually, either you, or one of your guy 'friends', is going to start seeing someone in a different light... the crush light. :/  When that happens, it's down hill from there, unless you are both on the same page.  Sadly, because you joined the group to be a friend, that doesn't always mean you were accepted for that purpose.  The reality of it is, girls were never meant to be 'one of the guys'. :(  If you are like me, and you hoped that would not be the case for you, hope again, because it does not change based on the person.  No matter what, we were created to be attracted to the opposite sex, and if you mix those genders on a 1:5 ratio (or anything where you are outnumbered, and it's not a GROUP of evenly proportioned friends) things WILL end badly.  You may have a few weeks of un-awkward down time with 'the guys', but you, as a young woman, are testing yourself, and those around you.  Bottom line, guys are great, and they can be amazing friends, but we cannot allow ourselves to enter an outnumbered group of 'friends'.  For our sake, and for the sake of those we encounter, we must display choices that follow after our faith.  We, as young women of Christ, should never enter a situation that we secretly know will either tempt us, or the people with us.  Now, I am not saying that, by entering an 'evenly proportioned' group, things will change.  NOT AT ALL!!  Ha, ha!  Again, we are human, and we were designed to be attracted to the opposite sex, but by entering an evenly proportioned situation, your image as a young woman is not as hampered, your temptation is not as great, and your safety, and ability to blend with everyone, increases with 'non-coupled' events.  

As far as girl drama goes, high school does not last forever, and eventually you can get out into a MUCH bigger world, to find some true, humble, Christian, young women to surround yourself with.  Until then, devote your time to your church, or community.  Find ways to get yourself out of tempting, or dangerous, situations.  When you are hurting, or scared, find someone who is feeling even worse than you, and serve them.  In this, you will make your Heavenly Father smile, and put your soul to rest. :)  Imagine each young man you come in contact with, as someone's husband someday.  May your behavior mirror what you would prefer the young women, in your future husband's life, to behave like. 

Press on, ladies!


Sunday, January 15, 2012

At some point you have to realize the people in your life who do matter; who would be there for you in a split second, and who live by a two-way friendship lane, and not one... & the people who will probably disappear from your life, the second they don't need your friendly, one-way friendship lane services anymore. This 2012, treasure those two-way friends/family like priceless jewels. Have a blessed year! :)

Friday, January 13, 2012

Currently in preparation of His plan. :) ♥ Thank you God! When my mind begins to wonder, you find a way to speak to my heart, to revive my soul, and to welcome your daughter back to her rightful path. :) I will love you always!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Check this out!! Wow!! God is working through him!!

Wow! Ladies, CHECK THIS OUT!!! :D This guy has an AWESOME perspective, and message, for you! :)

In honor of the anniversary of the earthquake that struck Haiti 2 years ago.

Why I Hate Religion, But Love Jesus || Spoken Word



Fill Your Life with Inspiration!

Welcome to Voice of the Unborn Series' New Blog!!

Hey, y'all!!  Thanks for dropping by!  Welcome to my blog!!  This is our first official day of posting, so there's still lots of news to come!!  The purpose of this blog is to help you, our fans/supporters, stay updated on our progress, appearances, polls, and MUCH, MUCH, MORE!!!  I just want to thank you all for your support!  May God bless you!!

To really help me prepare to promote my new book (once it is released in the next couple of years), please LIKE us on Facebook, FOLLOW us here on Blogger, and SHARE us wherever you usually Tweet, Beep, Share, or Post!!! ;)

‎"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, 'Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?' Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It is not just in some of us; it is in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others." - Marianne Williamson (from Akeelah and the Bee)